108Mbps SuperG Wireless PCI Adapter
When you are done entering the settings and options for the wireless network click on OK, Cancel, or Apply. OK places the settings into effect and closes the graphical user interface (GUI). Cancel makes invalid all settings entered. Apply implements the setting entered, but does not close the GUI.
Status Tab
Under the Status Tab you will find information on the connection state, hardware information, and advanced state.
After clicking on the Configuration Utility icon, the Status screen will display the settings for the PCI Card:
The Service Set Identifier is the name assigned to the wireless network.
The factory SSID setting is default.
The PCI card hardware MAC address
Network Type:
The Network Type have three mode
(Please see the Getting Option section in this manual for an explanation of these three modes.)
802.11g indicates that the PCI card is communicating in the 2.4GHz band.
Data Encryption:
You can see if WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is Enabled or Disabled here.
This is display wireless and wireless connecting Speed.
Authentication State:
This is display Authentication State, it’s to provide N/A and Connected two state.
Signal Strength:
A colored bar shows the intensity of the radio signals in the network