•The MadiXtreme Properties window is divided into three sections. The top section (Clock) allows you to define the clock settings you require for your studio. The middle section (Format) controls the audio configuration. The bottom section (Status) shows whether the MadiXtreme is correctly synchronized to a clock signal and whether the MADI inputs are locked to a valid incoming MADI signal.
Clock Settings
Master and Slave option boxes
When multiple MadiXtremes are used in the same host computer, they must all be locked to the same clock signal. One of the cards must be set as the ‘master device’, the other(s) must be set as ‘slave device(s)’ by ticking the Master or Slave option box. If a single MadiXtreme is used, only the Master setting can be selected.
Please note that setting a card to Master does NOT mean that the card is used as a ‘clock master’. It simply means that it is the ‘Soundscape Master Device’, and that other Soundscape cards must receive its clock reference signal (directly or indirectly), or be clocked from the same source. The ‘Soundscape Master Device’ can itself be clocked from an external clock source.
Click to set card as the ‘master device’ | Clock source selector (when card is a ‘master device’) |
Click to set card as a ‘slave device’ | Clock source selector (when card is a ‘slave device’) |
The ability to set one SSL audio card as master device, and
Also, when used as a master device and slaved to an external clock signal, MadiXtreme checks for changes to the sample rate of that clock signal and changes its own sample rate setting accordingly. These sample rate changes are applied automatically to the Soundscape slave devices.
Clock Source Selectors
Separate selection menus are provided to select the clock source for the card when used as a Soundscape Master Device or as a Soundscape Slave Device.
The selection menus provide the following options:
•Internal: If this option is selected, MadiXtreme locks to its own
The Internal setting is only available when Master is selected.
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