Selecting an Input or Output
Note that you can select any adjacent pair of MadiXtreme inputs or outputs for the stereo track you have created by clicking the Input and Output slots in the I/O section of the Track channel strip and using the menu and submenus that will thus be displayed.
In this example, it is assumed that you are receiving audio via inputs 1 and 2 and monitoring outputs 1 and 2, so there should be no need to change the settings.
Monitoring the Signal
Click the Input Monitoring button to hear the signal going through the channel strip prior to recording. The Track channel strip meters will indicate the signal level, and you will hear it through your monitoring system.
In this example, simply click the Record button when you are ready to start recording. Since there is only a single track present in the project, it will automatically be used for recording.
Note that for Projects that contain several recording tracks, you would need to click the
Record Enable button for the tracks you want to record before clicking the Record button.
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