Velodyne Acoustics CHT-12, CHT-10, CHT-8 Connection niveau haut-parleur, Speaker-level connection

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l'amplificateur. Parfoisilpeutêtreavantageuxderechercherunfiltrage complèmentaireetplusprècis. Danscetteoptiquevouspouvexutiliser enmêmetempslesfiltragesinternesàl'amplificatueretaucaisson.Pour unmeilleurrèsultatvousdevrezalorslègèrementdècalerlesfrèquences decoupurepourqu'ellesserecouvrent(parexemple120Hzpourle caissonet80Hzpourl'amplificatuer).

Pour contourner la coupure interne de l’enceinte d’extrêmesbasses lorsqu’ellereçoitunsignalpasse-basd’uneautrecoupure,localiserle boutonderèglage“SUBWOOFERDIRECT/INTERNALX-OVER”situé àl’arrièredel’enceinteetlepositionnersur“SUBWOOFERDIRECT”. Cerèglagepermetd’éliminerlacoupureinternedelatrajectoiredusignal.

Remarque… Sivousn’utilisezpasundiviseurdefréquences("crossover")externe nousvoussuggérons,pouruneperformanceoptimale,d'utilisercelui del'appareil. Siuneentréeseulementdevotrehautparleurdegrave est alimentée par un signal, comme dans le cas d'unprocesseur ambiophonique, le cicuit automatique marche arrêt pourraitêtre affecté,l'unitévoyantunsignalplusbasauxentrées.Cecipeutamener l'appareil à s'éteindre a bas volume. Si cela se produit,utilisez simplement un "Y" (disponible chez tout bon marchand)afin d'alimenterlesdeuxentrées. Cetartificeempêcheralehautparleur degravedes'éteindre.

Connection niveau haut-parleur

Lafigure2montreunefaçonsimpledeconnectervotreenceinteVelodyne directementàvotrerécepteurouàvotreamplificateurintégré.

Sivoussuivezcetteméthode,voshaut-parleurssatelliteserontcoupésà 80/100Hz(ou85HzpourleCHT-8/CHT-10), cequiéliminelesbasses inférieuresdevoshaut-parleurs,etcequileurpermetdefournirune meilleurequalitégrâceàlareproductiondehautesfréquences.

Sivoussouhaitezcontournerlacoupurepasse-hautinterne,vouspouvez connectervossatellitesdirectementàvotrerécepteuroubienàvotre amplificateuravecl’enceinte.



You may also connect yoursatellitesdirectlytoyourreceiveroramplifier along with the subwoofer if youwishtobypasstheinternalhigh-pass crossover.

When connected in this fashion,yoursatellitespeakerswillbecrossed over at 80/100Hz (or 85Hz for CHT-8/-10),whichremovesthelowerbass from your speakers, enabling themtodoabetterjobreproducinghigh frequencies.

Figure 2 shows an easy way toconnectyourVelodynesubwooferdirectly to your receiver or integratedamplifier.











Speaker-level connection

Note. . . If not using an external crossover, you should use the built-in crossover for optimal performance. When using a single channel input signal (such as a surround sound processor's subwoofer out, or LFE), the auto on/off circuit sensitivity will be affected. When one input channel is used instead of two, the unit will see lower signal levels present at the inputs. This may cause the unit to turn off when listening at low volume levels. If this occurs, simply use a "Y" adapter (available from most dealers) to allow your processor's single sub line to be fed into both L&R inputs. This will make the unit turn on at lower signal levels.

To bypass the subwoofer's internal crossover when the unit is being fed a low pass signal from another crossover, simply locate the switch marked "SUBWOOFER DIRECT/INTERNAL X-OVER"on the rear panel of the subwoofer and set to the "SUBWOOFER DIRECT" position. This will eliminate the internal crossover from the signal path.

In these installations, you may bypass the internal crossover in either the processor or the Velodyne subwoofer. In some installations, it may be beneficial to have a steeper ultimate crossover slope. To do this you can use both your processor's crossover and the one internal to the Velodyne sub. You should stagger the frequencies (i.e., 120Hz sub, 80Hz processor) for best results.

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Contents CHT -8/CHT 12-10/CHT Risk of Electric Shock do not Open Congratulations Product Features and ControlsInstallation Page VERSLESHAUT- Parleurssatellite Line-level connection Connection ligneniveauSpeaker-level connection Connection niveau haut-parleurCablescommunicants Interconnect cablesCare of your subwoofer PlacementEntretien de votre enceinte Entretienet Troubleshooting and ServiceSpecifications CHT-8 VelodyneAcoustics,Inc DigitalDrive MorganHill,CA

CHT-10, CHT-8, CHT-12 specifications

Velodyne Acoustics has carved a niche in the audio industry with its high-performance subwoofers, especially within the CHT series. The CHT-12, CHT-10, and CHT-8 represent the pinnacle of home theater experience, delivering stunning bass performance and precision for audiophiles and casual listeners alike.

The CHT-12 stands out with its 12-inch driver that produces deep, powerful bass. It is engineered with a built-in digital amplifier that delivers 500 watts of peak power, ensuring robust sound delivery even in larger rooms. This model employs Velodyne's patented Smart Speaker Technology, which optimizes audio performance and minimizes distortion. Moreover, the CHT-12 features a frequency response ranging from 25 to 120 Hz, providing a solid foundation for music and movie soundtracks alike.

The CHT-10, slightly smaller with a 10-inch driver, is designed for those who desire high-quality bass without overwhelming their living space. This model integrates similar technology as the CHT-12, boasting a powerful 350-watt peak amplifier and a refined frequency response from 30 to 120 Hz. The subwoofer adapts to various room acoustics with its adjustable phase control and variable low-pass filter, allowing users to achieve seamless integration with their existing audio systems.

Meanwhile, the CHT-8 is the compact version with an 8-inch driver, making it ideal for smaller rooms or apartments. Despite its size, it doesn’t compromise on performance, delivering deep, rich bass with 250 watts of peak power and a frequency response down to 35 Hz. The CHT-8's compact design makes it easier to place in various environments without sacrificing sound quality.

All three models feature a durable enclosure constructed from MDF, designed to minimize vibration and enhance sound clarity. They also come equipped with advanced connectivity options, allowing for easy integration with most home audio systems. Velodyne’s CHT subwoofers are renowned for their reliability and sonic excellence, making them a valuable addition to any home theater setup.

In summary, Velodyne Acoustics’ CHT series, which includes the CHT-12, CHT-10, and CHT-8, exemplifies the brand's dedication to acoustic innovation. Each model caters to different needs and environments while ensuring high-quality sound reproduction and user-friendly features. Whether for explosive movie scenes or deep musical passages, these subwoofers make a remarkable impact on the overall audio experience.