Using Auto Recording
The Auto Recording feature allows you to automatically tape record
activity from any channel of your scanner. When scanning stops on the assigned channel, the recorder records the broadcast.
Before using the Auto Tape feature, connect the scanner to a tape recorder. (See page 6.)
Use these keys:
,?:::{:i:'{:"'::::,\':'?"'~i'<: | mJllBla | |
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~",~~~;:;~'ijj0~ |
| |
~~"~~~~i~~ | ||
~:~~5~~=~ |
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1;;'. 6 (-.) m :~ lfIJi.
Status, Scan, and Numeric Keys,
Rotary Tuning Controls, Line jack
1.Press(SCAN I.
2.When the scanner stops on a
channel you want to record, press IMANUAL), then press ~.
Bank A P ch 1 482.7625MHz
Record ch 1 482.7625MHz
Note: You can also select the channel manually.
To select other channels for recording, repeat steps 1 and 2.
To record transmissions, you need a tape recorder with Remote and Microphone inputs.
1.Connect the REMOTE jack of your tape recorderto the AUX jack on the rear of the UBC9000XLT. This can be used to start and stop your recorder.
2.Put a tape in your recorder, and put it in the Record mode.
3.Press(SCAN I.