Your modem is Universal Plug ‘n Play Capable, for security this feature is disabled by default. UPnP is a method of allowing devices and computer software on your Net- work to be able to configure ‘unblocked’ ports through your modem (and through your modem’s firewall). This makes it easier to run Network games and Programs like Microsoft Messenger etc.
To Enable UPnP click the Enable UPnP box and choose the WAN connection (usually ‘PPPoE’). Select the LAN Connection (e.g. LAN Group 1) to which UPnP is to be ap- plied to.
Option | Description |
Enable UPNP: | Enable the UPnP. |
Click Apply to save the changes. |
2For more information on Universal Plug and Play, see http://www.microsoft.com/ technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/evaluate/upnpxp.mspx.
NB5Plus4/W User Guide | YML754Rev1 |
40 | www.netcomm.com.au |