Nortel Networks NB5PLUS4/W manual Rip, Sdns

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Point-to-Point Protocol A protocol for serial data transmis-


sion that is used to carry IP (and other protocol) data


between your ISP and your computer. The WAN interface


on the My ADSL Modem uses two forms of PPP called PP-


PoA and PPPoE. See also PPPoA, PPPoE.


Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM One of the two types of


PPP interfaces you can define for a Virtual Circuit (VC),


the other type being PPPoE. You can define only one PP-


PoA interface per VC.


Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet One of the two


types of PPP interfaces you can define for a Virtual Circuit


(VC),the other type being PPPoA. You can define one or


more PPPoE interfaces per VC.


A set of rules governing the transmission of data. In order


for a data transmission to work, both ends of the connec-


tion have to follow the rules of the protocol.


In a physically separate location. For example, an


employee away on travel who logs in to the company’s


intranet is a remote user.


Routing Information Protocol The original TCP/IP routing


protocol. There are two versions of RIP: version and ver-


sion II.


Registered Jack Standard-11 The standard plug used to


connect telephones, fax machines, modems, etc. to a


telephone jack. It is a 6-pin connector usually containing


four wires.


Registered Jack Standard-45 The 8-pin plug used in


transmitting data over phone lines. Ethernet cabling usu-


ally uses this type of connector.


Forwarding data between your network and the Internet


on the most efficient route, based on the data’s destina-


tion IP address and current network conditions. A device


that performs routing is called a router.


See filtering rule, NAT rule.


Secondary Domain Name System (server) A DNS server


that can be used if the primary DSN server is not avail-


able. See DNS.


A device that splits off the voice component of the DSL


signal to a separate line, so that data and telephone


service each have their own wiring and jacks. The splitter


is installed by your telephone company where the DSL


line enters your home. The CO also contains splitters that


separate the voice and data signals, sending voice to the


PSTN and data on high-speed lines to the Internet. See


also CO, PSTN, splitterless, microfilter.

NB5Plus4/W User Guide



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Contents Page Contents YML754 Rev1 NB5Plus4/W User Guide To RJ-11 adapter Overview NB5Plus4/W Package Contents Minimum System Requirements Do I need a Micro filter? LED Indicators PPPAdsl USBBack Panel Ports USBRestoring Factory Defaults Admin and password adminDefault Settings Modem AccessField Setting Details LAN ManagementConnecting your NB5Plus4/W Connecting your NB5Plus4/W Adsl Modem via EthernetConnecting your NB5Plus4/W Adsl Modem via USB Installing the USB driver Windows 98/Me/2000/XP onlyNB5Plus4W Antenna Instructions Bend the antenna to a 90o angleConfiguring your NB5Plus4/W Click on Log EasyConfig page will be displayedTIP Computer Hardware Configuration Windows XP PCsWindows 2000 PCs Windows Me PCsWindows 95, 98 PCs Network Protocols list boxAdvanced Settings Setup SetupLAN Configuration InterfacesLAN Groups IP Address NetMaskLanGroup #3 Configuring LAN Groups IP Settings Ren­ew button­ PPP IP AddressUse the followingg­ static IP address Server On­Services Ethernet SwitchWAN SetupNew Connection NameType SharingPriority Bits Option­sVlan ID MTU On­ Deman­d En­force MTUDebug­ PPP Unnn­umberedVPI VCIPCR SCRPPPoA Connection Setup Static Connection Setup En­capsulation­Mask DNSDhcp Connection Setup Bridge SettingsGateway Select LANClip Connection Setup ARP ServerWAN SetupModem T1413Gdmt GliteLogout Advanced AdvancedUPnP AdvancedSNTP Timeout Primary, Secon­dary Tertiary Sntp ServersPollingg­ In­terval Retry Coun­tAdvancedIPQoS QoS SetupRules Configuration Traffic Queuing Configuration Queue PrioritiesConfiguration En-queuing PolicyDe-queuing Policy WRR Queue Scheduler for Medium and Low priority queuesTOS-to-Priority Mapping AdvancedLAN Clients Advanced LAN IsolationEnable/Disable Bridge Filtering Advanced Bridge FiltersCreate Bridge Filter Rules Edit or Delete Bridge Filter RulesDMZ Settings WAN Connn­ection­Allow In­comingg­ Pingg­ LAN IPAdvanced Port Forwarding Creating Custom Rules Connn­ection­Select LAN g­roup AddressApplication­ ProtocolSource IP Address Source NetmaskDestin­ation­ Port Map Adding Custom Rules to Applied Rules ListDestination Port Start Destin­ation­ Port En­d Advanced Access Control Advanced IP FiltersToolsUser Management ToolsSystem CommandsTools ToolsUpdate Firmware User will be required to login againToolsPing Test Logged into the modem for the numberAdvanced Multicast Hidden Bridge Filter RulesTo access Multicasting, click on AdvancedMulticast Configuring Static Routing Advanced Static RoutingEn­able Password AdvancedDynamic RoutingEn­able RIP Direction­AdvancedPort Forwarding Select ‘In­’Select ‘Out’ Select ‘Both’More about Port Forwarding Well-know and registered Ports Easy Port Forwarding Applying Pre-Defined RulesStatusNetwork Statistics StatusToolsModem Test Status Connection Status Status Dhcp Clients Status Modem StatusStatus Product Information As well as other information about the connectionAppendix a NB5Plus4W Wireless Features EasyConfigHelp Status System LogWireless Main Screen YML754 Rev1 NB5Plus4/W User Guide WirelessSetup Wireless Setup Field DescriptionsEn­able AP Enables/disables the access point Service Set Identifier of the AP.Ssid Unique Ssid to your AP. The SsidEnables/disables the Hidden Ssid Hidden SsidWireless stations will communicate Extra layer of securityChannn­el B/G Channel on which the AP4GHz, the default is Telecom Standardization InstitutionPractise to have your wireless network Channn­el B/G cont’dChannel can be selected accord Ing to the band selection. It is goodNeighbouring wireless networks Mixed mode Both 11b and 11g11b only Mode Only 11b devices are Able to connect to the NB5Plus4W 11g only Mode Only 11g devices are Bles the 4x feature. This function is TIUser Isolation User IsolationSave Your Changes Dtim period WirelessConfigurationBeacon­ Period Power Level RTS thresholdFrag­men­tation­ Threshold Multi Domain­ CapabilityWirelessSecurity Video Blast SupportDestination Port NoneConnect to the NB5Plus4W WirelessSecurityWEP802.1x En­able WEP Wireless Security Authen­tication­ TypeEn­cryption­ Key WEP CipherWireless Security Server IP AddressPort SecretWirelessSecurityWPA Group Key In­tervalWirelessManagement WirelessManagementAccess ListWireless Management Associated Stations Wireless Management Multiple SsidCreate an Access List Appendix B Specification Log outEncapsulation Support Sntp NAT Application Level Gateway for Popular ApplicationsSecurity NB5Plus4/W User Guide YML754Rev1 Hardware PPP LEDRJ11 connector and cable Appendix C Cable ConnectionsAppendix D Glossary RJ-45 Network PortsATM 10BASE-T100BASE-T Dhcp Cross-Over Cabling Straight and crossover cable configurationStraight-Through Cabling Ponent in DSL is a digital signal. See also analog Domain Name System. The DNS maps domain namesInto IP addresses. DNS information is distributed hier Archically throughout the Internet among computersDSL FTPGGP GREHttp IcmpIgmp ISPPots NATNIC RIP SdnsTCP TCP/IPTftp TTLWWW Appendix E Registering your NetComm ProductWAN Appendix F Legal & Regulatory Information Contact InformationCustomer Information NetComm web site atProduct Warranty NB5Plus4/W User Guide YML754Rev1 108Limitations of Warranty NB5Plus4/W User Guide YML754Rev1 110 YML754 Rev1 NB5Plus4/W User Guide 111