Succession Multimedia Communications Portfolio
MCP SIP Application Module
Copyright © 2003 Nortel Networks,
All Rights Reserved
NORTEL NETWORKS CONFIDENTIAL: The information contained in this document is the property of Nortel Networks. Except as specifically authorized in writing by Nortel Networks, the holder of this document shall keep the information contained herein confidential and shall protect same in whole or in part from disclosure and dissemination to third parties and use same for evaluation, operation, and mainte- nance purposes only. Changes or modifications to the MCP SIP Application Module without the express consent of Nortel Networks may void its warranty and void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Information is subject to change without notice. Nortel Networks reserves the right to make changes in design or components as progress in engineering and manufacturing may warrant.
*Nortel Networks, the Nortel Networks logo, the Globemark, UNIStim, MCP, Oracle, Nortel, Northern Tele- com, and NT, are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
Publication number:
Product release: MCP 1.1 FP1 Standard
Document release: Standard MCP 1.1 FP1 (02.02)
Date: April 2003
Printed in the United States of America.