Chapter 2 Installing Device Manager software 33
Downloading the Device Manager UNIX software
1Go to the following URL: http://www.nortelnetworks.com/support
2Click on the product for which you want JDM.
A page opens that displays all versions of that product line.
3Click Software under the specific product you are working with. The software page opens.
4Click the Java Device Manager version you want. The Software Detail Information page opens.
5Click JDM for Unix-Solaris, HP-UX, IBM, AIX.
A File Download dialog box opens that asks you to either run this program from its current location or to download the Device Manager software to your system.
6Choose a directory to download the software to.
Installing the Device Manager UNIX software
To install the Device Manager software in a UNIX environment:
1Close all programs.
1Navigate to the directory on your system where you downloaded the Device Manager software.
2Run the jdm_xxx.bin file.
Note: Always install DM into a clean directory.
An Install screen opens that has text running through the screen. Then a Nortel dialog box opens with a ribbon on the bottom showing the progress. Finally, the InstallAnywhere* Introduction dialog box opens (Figure 11).
Getting Started with the BayStack