38 Configuration management | Nortel Networks Confidential |
Table 2 RTP Media Portal tab configurable properties
Activate IP Failover NW Test
Public IP
Private IP
Number Ports
Blade Name
Type: Boolean
Range: true/false
Default: false
Type: IP Address
Type: IP Address
Type: Positive Integer
Default: 20
Type: Text
Default: blade1, blade 2, etc.
This configuration parameter is associated with the “Activate IP Failover” configuration parameter. Please refer to Note in description of the “Activate IP Failover” configuration parameter for details.
The Public IP address of this particular blade. Repeated for each blade.
The Private IP address for this particular Blade. Repeated for each Blade.
Number of ports (this many private and this many public) configured on this blade. Controls maximum allowable simultaneous media streams permitted on this particular Blade. Repeated for each Blade.
String describing this particular Blade. Repeated for each Blade.
Note: This field is not configurable.
Min Port Value | Type: Positive | Minimum port range value. |
| Integer |
| Range: |
| Default: 40000 |
Max Port Value | Type: Positive | Maximum port value. |
| Integer |
| Range: |
| Default: 60000 |
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