Copyright © Nortel Networks Limited 2006 | 47 |
Error Code Error Message
027015 Could not retrieve domain information.
027016 Failed to refresh caches. Unable to proceed further.
027017 Failed to refresh Status Reason cache: Unable to proceed further.
027018 Failed to initialize data access components: Unable to proceed further.Please contact your next level of support.
ServiceMgrImpl error messages (025000)
Error Code | Error Message |
025000 | Service name needs to be specified. |
025001 | Invalid Parm value: {0} for parm: {1}. Please refer to the |
| list of acceptable values for this parm. |
025002 | Adding new domain services information failed for domain: |
| {0}. {1} |
025003 | Removing domain services information failed for domain: |
| {0}.{1} |
025004 | Service name is not valid: {0} |
025005 | Modifying domain services information failed for |
| domain:{0}. {1} |
025006 | Unable to update Service Definition. Only parameters with |
| multiple values can be updated. |
025007 | Unable to update Service Definition. The following parm |
| values are in use by some domains: {0}. These entries must |
| be either removed from use or added to the update list. |
025008 | Modifying services information failed for service:{0}.{1} |
025009 | This parm value:{0} does not exist for this parm {1}. |
025011 | Updating parm default value failed for service: {0}, parm: |
| {1}. {2} |
Open Provisioning Interface Reference Guide