E.7 Error Codes
101Actual Filling Weight < Low Limit of 'Valid Result Limits'.
102Actual Filling Weight > High Limit of 'Valid Result Limits'.
103SetPoint < Low Limit of 'Valid Result Limits'.
104SetPoint > High Limit of 'Valid Result Limits'.
105High Tare Limit < Low Tare Limit
106Actual Tare < Low Tare Limit
107Actual Tare > High Tare Limit
108Valid High Limit < Valid Low Limit
109Lazy Filling
111Filling Timeout
112Low Tare Limit > High Tare Limit
113SetPoint < Stabilization Delta Weight
115Tare Stabilization Timeout
116Initial weight is too large
117Slow amount is too large
118End Stabilization Timeout
119Stabilization Delta Weight < Resolution
120Memory Failure
121User Emergency Stop
122Stabilization Delta Time > Stabilization Timeout
123Filling Timeout > Stabilization Timeout