Rockford Fosgate 160X4, 240X4 Speaker Output, Low or Distorted, No Output on, Rear Channels, Only

Page 31











Speaker Output

Input gain signal


Readjust input gains of


Low or Distorted

amplifier is incorrectly














Source unit output too

Check system with known



low or source unit has

working source and repair



no output.


or replace original source






as needed.







XCard is missing or not

Check XCard position and



placed properly in cross-

repair or replace as neces-



over slots.









Low battery voltage or

Check the alternator, bat-



large voltage drops


tery, fuse, and power and



the amplifier under load.

ground wiring. Repair as












No Output on

Signal input switch not

Check signal input switch


Rear Channels

configured properly.

and reconfigure for 2-chan-





nel input.












(using 2 inputs)

XCard is missing or not

Check XCard position and








repair or replace as neces-



crossover slot.








Rear Channels

Signal input switch not

Check signal input switch


are Non-Fading

configured properly.

and reconfigure for 4-chan-





nel input.


(using 4 inputs)














Amplifier Noise

Voltage spike from out-

Disconnect input signal to


(Turn-on Pop)

put of preceding com-

amplifier and turn ampli-


ponent is entering am-

fier on and off. If noise is





plifier through input sig-

eliminated, connect REM






lead of amplifier to source






unit with a delay turn-on













Voltage spike from re-

Use a different 12 volt



mote turn-on lead is

source for REM lead of am-




through REM

plifier. (i.e., battery direct)



input terminal.


If noise is eliminated, use a






relay to isolate amplifier






from noisy turn-on output.








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Image 31
Contents Channel Amplifiers Installation & Operation Manual Page Practice Safe Sound T T I N G S T a R T E D PU N C H 4-CHANNEL AM P L I F I E R AC C E S S O R Y PA C K T R O D U C T I O NRO C K F O R D FO S G AT E AC C E S S O R I E S Energy Storage CapacitorTransana TRANSconductance Active Nodal Amplifier Technical Design FeaturesXCard Internal Crossover Mosfet Devices Design Features Amplifier S TA L L AT I O N CO N S I D E R AT I O N S Mounting Location R I N G T H E S Y S T E M Battery and ChargingPunch Page I N G T H E Xcard Channel Input Using the Signal Input SwitchBA S I C CO N N E C T I O N S Power ConnectionsStereo Operation Mono Operation P U T Channel OperationChannel Stereo Operation Channel Stereo/Single Bridged Operation Channel Stereo/Dual Bridged Operation Watt 3-Way System SY S T E M DI a G R a M SWatt 4-Way System 12dB/octaveLP Watt 4-Way System Amplifier has no TroubleshootingAmplifier does not Turn onRear Channels Speaker OutputLow or Distorted No Output onEngine Noise Listening to Loudspeakers Not Resistors About the Dynamic Power MeasurementsN a M I C P O W E R M E a S U R E M E N T S MusicInformation Cubed What is an Amplifier?120 160X4 Specification S100 180R R a N T Y I N F O R M a T I O N Page Page Rockford Fosgate