Rockford Fosgate 240X4, 160X4 operation manual Engine Noise

Page 32













Engine Noise


is radiating


Check connections, run the



RCA signal cable.


RCA cables on a different






route away from sources of






high voltage.








Bad component in the sig-

Check connections, bypass



nal chain.


additional components






(crossovers and equalizers)






between the source







and the amplifier. Connect






one component at a time






to determine the culprit.






Repair or replace compo-






nents as necessary.











is radiating


Disconnect existing speak-



speaker cables.


ers and connect a test






speaker to the output ter-






minals of the amplifier. If






noise is gone, reroute the






speaker cables away from






sources of high voltage.







Multiple grounds in the

Check ground connections



audio system.


and connect amplifiers, sig-






nal processors, and other






components to a central






location or try a different






grounding point on
















Ground loop between

Check connections,




source unit and antenna.

connect antenna from






source unit. If noise is gone,






install an antenna ground






loop isolator.









• If noise persists, see your Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer.

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Image 32
Contents Channel Amplifiers Installation & Operation Manual Page Practice Safe Sound T T I N G S T a R T E D T R O D U C T I O N PU N C H 4-CHANNEL AM P L I F I E R AC C E S S O R Y PA C KEnergy Storage Capacitor RO C K F O R D FO S G AT E AC C E S S O R I E STechnical Design Features Transana TRANSconductance Active Nodal AmplifierXCard Internal Crossover Mosfet Devices Design Features Amplifier S TA L L AT I O N CO N S I D E R AT I O N S Mounting Location Battery and Charging R I N G T H E S Y S T E MPunch Page I N G T H E Xcard Using the Signal Input Switch Channel InputPower Connections BA S I C CO N N E C T I O N SStereo Operation Mono Operation Channel Operation P U TChannel Stereo Operation Channel Stereo/Single Bridged Operation Channel Stereo/Dual Bridged Operation SY S T E M DI a G R a M S Watt 3-Way SystemWatt 4-Way System 12dB/octaveLP Watt 4-Way System Troubleshooting Amplifier does notTurn on Amplifier has noSpeaker Output Low or DistortedNo Output on Rear ChannelsEngine Noise About the Dynamic Power Measurements N a M I C P O W E R M E a S U R E M E N T SMusic Listening to Loudspeakers Not ResistorsWhat is an Amplifier? Information Cubed160X4 Specification S 120180 100R R a N T Y I N F O R M a T I O N Page Page Rockford Fosgate