( ) The digital CPE does not transmit digital sig- nals containing encoded analog content or billing information which is intended to be decoded within the telecommunications network.
( ) The encoded analog content and billing pro- tection is factory set and is not under the control of the customer.
I attest that the operator(s)/maintainer(s) of the digital CPE responsible for the establishment, maintenance, and adjustment of the encoded an- alog content and billing information has (have) been trained to perform these functions by suc- cessfully having completed one of the following (check appropriate blocks):
( ) A. A training course provided by the manu- facturer/grantee of the equipment used to en- code analog signals; or
( ) B. A training course provided by the custom- er or authorized representative, using training materials and instructions provided by the man- ufacturer/grantee of the equipment used to en- code analog signals; or
| NT1 ACE User Manual | xi |