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Creating a custom product
If the product you desire is not listed, click the CUSTOM button. Enter the Width and Height of the image you would like to print (to the nearest thousandth of an inch). Select the desired Substrate and Shape.
Click the Save Product button to save all of the product specifications for future use. If the product does not require using a custom template, click OK to proceed.
Using a Custom Template
Novelty 8, Mural 8, and Novelty Pro 8 allow you to utilize custom templates. If the custom product requires using a custom template, click the Browse button next to Template File to locate and select the desired template. The Open dialogue box will appear. Click on the template's name and click the Open button.
file:///C/Program%20Files/CTP,%20Inc/Novelty%20Pro%208%20Demo/V8Manual.htm (10 of 39)7/19/2004 11:09:31 AM