Untitled Document
Horizontal Margin-
The Horizontal Margin controls the amount of space on the left side of the print. This can be adjusted to the nearest thousandth of an inch.
Vertical Margin-
The Vertical Margin controls the amount of space on the top side of the print. This can be adjusted to the nearest thousandth of an inch.
Horizontal Spacing-
The Horizontal Spacing controls the amount of horizontal space between tiled images. This can be adjusted to the nearest thousandth of an inch.
Vertical Spacing-
The Vertical Spacing controls the amount of vertical space between tiled images. This can be adjusted to the nearest thousandth of an inch.
Combining Different Images on One Sheet
Novelty 8, Mural 8, and Novelty Pro 8 allows you to combine different images on one sheet. This feature only works correctly when working with identical products.
file:///C/Program%20Files/CTP,%20Inc/Novelty%20Pro%208%20Demo/V8Manual.htm (33 of 39)7/19/2004 11:09:31 AM