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Height values match that of your custom template's outer dimensions.
5.The upperl eft corner pixel and lower left corner pixel color specify the invisible color. In the example below the upper left corner pixel and lower left corner pixel are black (figure A.). Therefore any part off the template which contains black will be invisible allowing any imported image to be seen through the template (figure B.)
Figure A.
Figure B.
Using a Saved Product
Any previously saved custom product (including it's template) can be used simply by clicking the Choose from Saved Products arrow. Click on the saved product name and click OK.
Creating a Mural (Mural 8, and Novelty Pro 8 only)
file:///C/Program%20Files/CTP,%20Inc/Novelty%20Pro%208%20Demo/V8Manual.htm (12 of 39)7/19/2004 11:09:31 AM