Untitled Document
Left, Center, or Right align your paragraphs.
Line Spacing-
Control the spacing between multiple lines in a paragraph.
Click the Up or Down arrows to adjust the angle of your text.
Click the Up or Down arrows to implement a curve in your text. The text can be curved up or down.
Click the Up or Down arrows to scroll through the available text effects included with the Novelty 8, Mural 8, and Novelty Pro 8 program.
When you are finished adding text to your image, click Next to return to the Print Preview screen.
Editing Your Font Colors
To edit or add to the list of font colors, open the file TextColor.txt located in your program folder. The first three values of each line are the font color's RGB value. Each value must be delimited by a space. The fourth value is the color's identifying label within the program. The color label or fourth value should always be the next consecutive, available #. For example, there are currently 48 colors in the TextColor.txt file. Therefore the next color's label should be "Rvalue Gvalue Bvalue 49".
Layering Images
Images can be added to your picture via the Add Image feature. To add an image, click the Add Image button on the Print Preview screen and the Open Image File dialogue box will appear.
file:///C/Program%20Files/CTP,%20Inc/Novelty%20Pro%208%20Demo/V8Manual.htm (29 of 39)7/19/2004 11:09:31 AM