Configuring Additional File Transfer Functions
Specifying Asynchronous Interface Extended BOOTP Requests
Router A has the following configuration:
!Allow the router to forward broadcast portmapper requests ip
!Provide the router with the IP address of the diskless sun arp 0800.2002.ff5b arpa
interface ethernet 0
!Configure the router to act as a RARP server, using the Sun Server's IP
!address in the RARP response packet.
!Portmapper broadcasts from this interface are sent to the Sun Server. ip
The Sun client and server’s IP addresses must use the same major network number because of a limitation with the current SunOS rpc.bootparamd daemon.
In the following example, an access server is configured to act as a RARP server.
!Allow the access server to forward broadcast portmapper requests ip
!Provide the access server with the IP address of the diskless sun arp 0800.2002.ff5b arpa
interface ethernet 0
!Configure the access server to act as a RARP server, using the Sun Server's
!IP address in the RARP response packet.
!Portmapper broadcasts from this interface are sent to the Sun Server. ip
Specifying Asynchronous Interface Extended BOOTP Requests
The Boot Protocol (BOOTP) server for asynchronous interfaces supports the extended BOOTP requests specified in RFC 1084. The following command is useful in conjunction with using the auxiliary port as an asynchronous interface.
To configure extended BOOTP requests for asynchronous interfaces, use the following command in global configuration mode:
Command | Purpose |
Configures extended BOOTP requests for asynchronous interfaces. | |
You can display the extended BOOTP requests by using the following command in EXEC mode:
Shows parameters for BOOTP requests.
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide, Release 12.1