APC PM4 LJXUH6XUJH0RGXOH5HPRYDODQG5HSODFHPHQW, Preventive Maintenance Inspection and Cleaning

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Preventive Maintenance - Inspection and Cleaning

Inspection of the SPD should be performed periodically to maintain reliable system performance and continued tran- sient voltage surge protection. While it is difficult to establish a preventive maintenance schedule because conditions vary from location to location, inspections for failed modules and other signs of trouble utilizing the built-in diagnos- tics should be performed on a routine basis (weekly or monthly).


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Contents 990-0524 10/00 6XUJH$UUHVWŠ306HULHV Figures Introduction InstallationTesting Unpacking & Preliminary InspectionAudible Noise Location ConsiderationsEnvironment Mounting and Cabinet DataService Clearance Product Orientation0RGHO1XPEHU 7DEOH9ROWDJH5DWLQJDQG6HUYLFH7\SHE\0RGHOVoltage Rating Terminals7R3URWHFWHG/RDGV 3KD 1HXWUDO 1HXWUDO%XV LI Xvhg Urxqg URXQG%XV$51,1 1875 Disconnect Switch Option DXJKWHUERDUGIRU2SWLRQDO6XUJH&RXQWHU6KRZQLvfrqqhfw 2SWLRQ $51,1 Status Panel Controls, Indicators, and Alarms LJXUH6WDWXV3DQHOZLWK6XUJH&RXQWHU2SWLRQSurge Counter Option 7DEOH5HOD\&RQWDFW3LQ$UUDQJHPHQW Corrective Maintenance RepairTroubleshooting Dry Contacts OptionDOO LJXUHLVSOD\%RDUG/RFDWRULDJUDP LVFRQQHFWSRZHUWRWKH63Diagnostic Board Removal and Replacement Instructions Surge Module Removal and Replacement InstructionsLJXUHLDJQRVWLF%RDUG/RFDWRULDJUDP Preventive Maintenance Inspection and Cleaning LJXUH6XUJH0RGXOH5HPRYDODQG5HSODFHPHQWReplacement Parts Listing 7DEOH5HSODFHPHQW3DUWV/LVW9ROWDJH6\VWHP Hvfulswlrq 3DUWRUNVLWK 1XPEHU Limited Warranty Technical Support and Customer ServiceReturn Shipment Address