APC PM4 user manual Service Clearance, Product Orientation

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Service Clearance

In addition to national and local code requirements, 32 inches of service clearance is needed at the front of the SPD.

**Surge Protection Devices are designed for use on the load side

of the service entrance disconnect only**


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Equipment Performance

To obtain the maximum system performance, the unit must be located as close to the circuit to be protected as possi- ble, minimizing the interconnecting wire length. For every foot of wire length, approximately one (1) nanosecond of turn-on/turn-off time will be added, and approximately 175 volts (6kV/3kA, 8/20 microseconds) will be added to the clamp voltage.

For optimum transient surge protection, staged surge suppression should be implemented at the service entrance and all other electrical connections to the building (telephone, CATV, etc.). It should also be implemented at recognized surge generating loads within the building (arc welding rigs, large motors, switched capacitors, etc.). Additionally, it should be implemented for sensitive electronic loads (computer equipment, facsimile machines, copy machines, solid state motor drives, variable frequency drives, etc.). For interconnected electronic loads (via data cabling), surge pro- tection devices should also be utilized to protect the devices on either end of the interconnecting data cables.

APC manufactures a complete line of surge protection devices for both alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) applications. Contact an authorized APC reseller, or order directly from APC at www.APC.com.

Product Orientation

To decode the Model Number and determine the unit’s configuration, locate the printed nameplate on the inside of the unit door. Note: The Serial Number, Date of Manufacture, and UL 1449 Suppression Voltage Rating (SVR) are also on the unit identification nameplate. The Model Number can be decoded as follows:





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Contents 990-0524 10/00 6XUJH$UUHVWŠ306HULHV Figures Introduction InstallationTesting Unpacking & Preliminary InspectionAudible Noise Location ConsiderationsEnvironment Mounting and Cabinet DataService Clearance Product Orientation0RGHO1XPEHU 7DEOH9ROWDJH5DWLQJDQG6HUYLFH7\SHE\0RGHOVoltage Rating Terminals7R3URWHFWHG/RDGV 3KD 1HXWUDO 1HXWUDO%XV LI Xvhg Urxqg URXQG%XV$51,1 1875 Disconnect Switch Option DXJKWHUERDUGIRU2SWLRQDO6XUJH&RXQWHU6KRZQLvfrqqhfw 2SWLRQ $51,1 Status Panel Controls, Indicators, and Alarms LJXUH6WDWXV3DQHOZLWK6XUJH&RXQWHU2SWLRQSurge Counter Option 7DEOH5HOD\&RQWDFW3LQ$UUDQJHPHQW Corrective Maintenance RepairTroubleshooting Dry Contacts OptionDOO LJXUHLVSOD\%RDUG/RFDWRULDJUDP LVFRQQHFWSRZHUWRWKH63Diagnostic Board Removal and Replacement Instructions Surge Module Removal and Replacement InstructionsLJXUHLDJQRVWLF%RDUG/RFDWRULDJUDP Preventive Maintenance Inspection and Cleaning LJXUH6XUJH0RGXOH5HPRYDODQG5HSODFHPHQWReplacement Parts Listing 7DEOH5HSODFHPHQW3DUWV/LVW9ROWDJH6\VWHP Hvfulswlrq 3DUWRUNVLWK 1XPEHU Limited Warranty Technical Support and Customer ServiceReturn Shipment Address