D-Link VDI-624 manual Example #2

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Using the Configuration Menu (continued)

Advanced > Virtual Server continued

Click on this icon to edit the virtual service

Click on this icon to delete the virtual service

Example #2:

If you have an FTP server that you wanted Internet users to access by WAN port 2100 and only during the weekends, you would need to enable it as such. FTP server is on LAN computer FTP uses port 21, TCP.

Name: FTP Server

Private IP:

Protocol Type: TCP

Private Port: 21

Public Port: 2100

Schedule: From: 01:00AM to 01:00AM, Sat to Sun

All Internet users who want to access this FTP Server must connect to it from port 2100. This is an example of port redirection and can be useful in cases where there are many of the same servers on the LAN network.


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Contents Link AirPlus Xtreme GTM VDI-624 Contents Package Contents Introduction LAN ports PowerMdix WAN port is AdapterLEDs Features Wireless Basics Wireless Basics Installation Considerations Getting Started Setting up a Wireless1 Infrastructure NetworkHome Wizard Using the Configuration MenuHome Wireless ChannelWEP Encryption Key Type Keys MTU Gateway Address Primary DNS Address Secondary Home WAN Static IP AddressOn the next IP Address Subnet Mask Local Domain Auto-reconnectDhcp Server Home DhcpStarting EndingAdvanced Virtual Server Private IP NameProtocol Type Private Port Public Port ScheduleExample #2 Trigger Port Advanced ApplicationsTrigger Type Public TypeAdvanced Filters IP Filters Filters URL Blocking Keywords Advanced Filters URL BlockingAdvanced Filters MAC Filters Advanced Filters Domain Blocking Filters Domain BlockingPermitted Domains Blocked Domains Advanced Firewall DMZ Advanced DMZTX Rates Advanced Performance WirelessAdvanced Performance 802.11g only mode CTS Mode Super G ModeAdministrator Tools AdminPassword UserUsing the Configuration Menu Load Settings from Save Settings toRestore to Factory Default Settings Tools SystemPing Test Restart Device Gaming Mode Dynamic DNSTools Misc Block PingLAN Status Device InfoStatus Log Status Log Log Settings Status Stats Status WirelessNetworking Basics Using the Network Setup Wizard in Windows XPNetworking Basics Enter a Computer description and a Computer name optional Networking Basics Networking Basics Networking Basics Networking Basics Naming your Computer Checking the IP Address in Windows XP Assigning a Static IP Address in Windows XP/2000 Network Connections Assigning a Static IP Address Windows XP/2000 Assigning a Static IP Address with Macintosh OSX Selecting a Dynamic IP Address with Macintosh OSX Checking the Wireless Connection by Pinging in Windows XP Troubleshooting Default Go to Start My Computer Properties Select Hardware Tab Troubleshooting Why does my wireless connection keep dropping? Troubleshooting Why can’t I get a wireless connection? Reset Device Management Technical SpecificationsTechnical Specifications Wireless Data Rates with Automatic Fallback Why can´t I access the web based configuration? Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions How can I find my IP Address in Windows 95, 98, or ME? How can I find my IP Address in Windows 2000/XP? How can I assign a Static IP Address in Windows XP? How can I assign a Static IP Address in Windows 98/Me? Click Specify an IP Address How do I open ports on my router? How do I configure the DMZ Host? What is DMZ?DI-624 Service What are virtual servers? How do I use PC Anywhere with my VDI-624 router?Frequently Asked Questions How can I use eDonkey behind my D-Link Router? How do I set up my router for Socom on my Playstation 2? Private Port Public Port How can I use Gamespy behind my D-Link router?How do I configure my router for KaZaA and Grokster? For the VDI-624 How do I configure my router to play Warcraft 3?How do I use NetMeeting with my D-Link Router? How do I set up my router to use iChat? -for Macintosh usersStep For File Sharing Frequently Asked Questions What is NAT? USA only WarrantyPage Page VDI-624