Standards Compatibility and Compliance
∙ITU G.992.2 (G.lite “Splitterless ADSL”) compliant
∙RFC 791 Internet Protocol compliant
∙RFC 792 UDP compliant
∙RFC 826 Address Resolution Protocol compliant (ARP) compliant
∙RFC 1058 Routing Information Protocol (RIP) compliant
∙RFC 1213 MIB II for IP compliant
∙RFC 1334 PPP Authentication Protocol compliant
∙RFC 1389 Routing Information Protocol 2 (RIP2) compliant
∙RFC 1483 IP over AAL5/ Bridged Ethernet over AAL5 compliant
∙RFC 1557 Classical IP over ATM (IPoA) compliant
∙RFC 1661 Point to Point Protocol (PPP) compliant
∙RFC 1877 Automatic IP assignment compliant
∙RFC 1994 Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol compliant
∙Supports RFC 2131 and RFC 2132 DHCP functions including: automatic assignment of IP address, use of subnet mask and default gateway and provision of DNS server address for all hosts
∙RFC 2364 PPP over ATM compliant (PPPoA) compliant
∙RFC 2516 PPP over Ethernet compliant (PPPoE) compliant
∙RFC 2684 Bridged/Routed Ethernet over ATM compliant
∙IEEE 802.3 compliant
∙IEEE 802.3u compliant
∙IEEE 802.1d compliant
∙IEEE 802.3x compliant
∙Embedded web server support
∙Supports Dynamic Learning
∙Supports Static Routing
∙Supports NAPT for up to 4096 connections
∙Supports DHCP for up to 253 hot connections
∙Supports IGMP
∙Supports ATM Forum UNI 3.1/4.0
∙Supports ATM VCC (Virtual Channel Circuit) for up to eight sessions
∙Supports TELNET and TFTP
∙Supports back pressure for