To set it up:
1Connect the printer to the AirPort Extreme USB port (d) or to a USB hub, using a USB cable.
2Open AirPort Utility (located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder on a computer using Mac OS X, and in Start > All Programs > AirPort on a computer using Windows), select your base station, and then click Continue.
3Follow the onscreen instructions to create a new network if you have not already set up your network.
To print from a computer using Mac OS X v10.5:
1Choose Apple > System Preferences, and then click Print & Fax.
2Click Add (+) and select your printer from the list.
3Click the Add button.
If your printer isn’t in the list, use the buttons in the toolbar to search for it.
To print from a computer using Mac OS X v10.2.8 or later:
1Open Printer Setup Utility (located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder).
2Select the printer from the list.
If the printer is not in the list, click Add and choose Bonjour from the
To print from a computer using Windows XP or Windows Vista:
1Install Bonjour for Windows from the CD that came with your AirPort Extreme.
2Follow the onscreen instructions to connect your printer.
Chapter 2 AirPort Extreme Networks