Wireless-N Gigabit Router with Storage Link
FTP Server
The FTP Server tab creates an FTP Server that can be accessed from the Internet or your local network.
Server Name. The name of the Router is displayed here.
FTP Server. Select Enable to set this Router as an FTP Server. Otherwise, select Disable to turn the service off. (Note: A USB drive or USB disk must be connected to the USB Port to use this service.)
Internet Access. Select Enable to allow access of the FTP Server from the Internet. Otherwise select Disable to only allow local network access.
Port. Select the Port service to use. The default port is 21.
Select the partition or folder to share in the FTP Server.
All Partitions. Selects all partitions on the USB disk.
Specify Folder. If you want to share a specific folder, click Select Partition and locate the folder.
Click FTP Share Access to grant specific rights to groups. You can grant Read Only or Read/Write permissions.
FTP Access. Select the group from the Other Group list and click either the Read Only or Read/Write button to move the group to the Group With Access column.
After you have made your changes, click the Save Settings button to apply your changes, or click the Cancel Changes button to cancel your changes. Click Close to exit this window.
Chapter 5: Configuring the
Figure 5-36: FTP Server
Figure 5-37: FTP Access
The Storage Tab - Media Server