Chapter 3
Advanced Configuration
Hardware Version The version number of the Router hardware is displayed.
MAC Address The MAC address of the Router is displayed.
Client Certificate The status of the client certificate, which indicates that the Router has been authorized by your ITSP, is displayed.
System Status
Current Time The current date and time of the Router are displayed.
Elapsed Time The amount of time elapsed since the last reboot of the Router is displayed.
RTP Packets Sent The number of RTP packets sent by the Router is displayed.
RTP Bytes Sent The number of RTP bytes sent by the Router is displayed.
RTP Packets Recv The number of RTP packets received by the Router is displayed.
RTP Bytes Recv The number of RTP bytes received by the Router is displayed.
SIP Messages Sent The number of SIP messages sent by the Router is displayed.
SIP Bytes Sent The number of SIP bytes sent by the Router is displayed.
SIP Messages Recv The number of SIP messages received by the Router is displayed.
SIP Bytes Recv The number of SIP bytes received by the Router is displayed.
External IP The external IP address used for NAT mapping is displayed.
Line 1/2 Status
Lines 1 and 2 have the same status information available.
Hook State The status of the Internet phone line’s readiness is displayed. “On” indicates that it is ready for use, while “Off” indicates that it is in use.
Registration State The status of the line’s registration with the ITSP is displayed.
Last Registration At The last date and time the line was registered are displayed.
Next Registration In The number of seconds until the next registration is displayed.
Message Waiting This indicates whether you have new voicemail waiting.
Call Back Active This indicates whether a call back request is in progress.
Last Called Number The last number called is displayed.
Last Caller Number The number of the last caller is displayed.
Mapped SIP Port The port number of the NAT mapped SIP port is displayed.
Calls 1 and 2 have the same status information available. Call 1/2 State The status of the call is displayed.
Call 1/2 Tone The type of tone used by the call is displayed.
Call 1/2 Encoder The codec used for encoding is displayed.
Call 1/2 Decoder The codec used for decoding is displayed.
Call 1/2 FAX The status of the fax
Call 1/2 Type The direction of the call is displayed.
Call 1/2 Remote Hold This indicates whether the far end has placed the call on hold.
Call 1/2 Callback This indicates whether the call was triggered by a call back request.
Call 1/2 Peer Name The name of the internal phone is displayed.
Call 1/2 Peer Phone The phone number of the internal phone is displayed.
Call 1/2 Duration The duration of the call is displayed.
Call 1/2 Packets Sent The number of packets sent is displayed.
Call 1/2 Packets Recv The number of packets received is displayed.
Call 1/2 Bytes Sent The number of bytes sent is displayed.
Call 1/2 Bytes Recv The number of bytes received is displayed.
Call 1/2 Decode Latency The number of milliseconds for decoder latency is displayed.
Call 1/2 Jitter The number of milliseconds for receiver jitter is displayed.
Call 1/2 Round Trip Delay The number of milliseconds for delay is displayed.
Call 1/2 Packets Lost The number of packets lost is displayed.
Call 1/2 Packet Error The number of invalid packets received is displayed.
Call 1/2 Mapped RTP Port The number of the NAT mapped RTP port is displayed.
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