adj. the efficiency with which something fulfills its intended purpose
Build for Bandwidth with CopperTen
No manufacturer has sold and installed more feet of cable or more
We perform for every one of our clients every day. Read what they have to say:
Engineering & Design Firms Deploy ADC’s CopperTen
“We operate a variety of CAD systems that require us to transfer
Business Development Director, Synchroness, Denver
Banks and Financial Institutions Deploy ADC’s CopperTen
“With the rapid growth in Internet banking, it has been necessary for us to explore the most robust,
Network Architect, ABSA Bank, South Africa
Colleges and Universities Deploy ADC’s CopperTen
“Access to video is an important part of just about every curriculum. Students in digital media design and other fields require access to very large files. Our goal is for students to access their ap- plications from anywhere on the campus. ADC’s CopperTen allows us to not only deliver advanced services in the classroom that benefit our students and faculty, but also to consolidate four telecom closets into one by eliminating unnecessary active equipment. This is a substantial financial benefit to the university.”
Technical Services Manager, The Ohio State University