Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual
•Never - disables this backup job.
•Every Day - the backup job is performed each day at the specified time.
•Every Monday, Every Tuesday… - select this option to have the backup per- formed once per week, on the specified day and time.
•The time text box (hour, minute, AM/PM) - specify at what time the backup job should be performed.
Hard Drive
This screen allows the user to perform various disk operations on the NAS hard disk drive. No operations can be performed on a USB flash drive.
This screen has four sections: Prepare Disk,
Prepare Disk
The Prepare Disk operation reformats the NAS hard drive.
MWarning: Performing a “Prepare Disk” operation will destroy any data on the hard drive. Once started, this process cannot be halted or reversed.
Status The Status text box can have any of the following values:
•Not installed - no disk is inserted, or connection or disk has failed.
•Not Prepared - disk has been detected, but not ready for use (press the “Prepare Disk” button to prepare the disk for use).