Country | Telephone Number |
Malaysia | 1800 801 777 |
New Zealand | 0800 446 398 |
Pakistan | +61 2 9937 5083 |
Philippines | 1235 61 266 2602 or +61 2 9937 5076 |
P.R. of China | 10800 61 00137 or 021 6350 1590 or 00800 0638 3266 |
Singapore | 800 6161 463 |
S. Korea | 00798 611 2230 or 02 3455 6455 |
Taiwan, R.O.C. | 00801 611 261 |
Thailand | 001 800 611 2000 |
Or, send a description of the problem by email to: apr_technical_support@3com.com | |
Europe, Middle East and Africa |
From anywhere in these regions: | http://emea.3com.com/support/supportnumbers.html |
| |
Latin America |
Brazil | http://www.3com.com/support/en_US/repair/lat.html |
Mexico | http://www.3com.com/support/en_US/repair/lat.html |
Puerto Rico | http://www.3com.com/support/en_US/repair/lat.html |
Central and South America | http://www.3com.com/support/en_US/repair/lat.html |
North America |
United States and Canada | 1 800 876 3266 |
Before you send a product directly to 3Com for repair, you must first obtain an authorization number. Products sent to 3Com without authorization numbers will be returned to the sender unopened, at the sender’s expense. To obtain an authorization number, call or fax: