AlphaGIGABIT Secure Wireless Router 8350
8.2 Special Applications:
The Special Application section is used to open single or multiple ports on your router when the router senses data sent to the Internet on a 'trigger' port or port range. Special ApplicationsRrules apply to all computers on your internal network.
Application Level Gateway (ALG) Configurations:
Application Level Gateway (ALG) Configurations, also known as ALG's provide special handling for a specific protocol or application. By default, maximum ALG's for common applications are enabled, but this will allow you to enable or disable ALG's.
?PPTP: To check this box to allow multiple machines on the LAN and to connect to the corporate network.
?IPSec VPN: multiple VPN clients can connect to their corporate network. Some VPN clients support traversal of IPSec through NAT. This ALG may interfere with the operation of such VPN clients. If you are having trouble connecting with Your corporate network, try turning this ALG off.
?RTSP: When enabled, this allows applications that use Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) to receive streaming media from the internet.
?FTP: When this is enabled, FTP clients and servers are allowed to transfer data across NAT.
?NetMeeting: When enabled, it allows Microsoft NetMeeting clients to communicate across NAT
?SIP: This allows devices and applications using VoIP (Voice over IP) to communicate across NAT.
?MMS: Microsoft Media Services (MMS) allows Windows Media Player, using MMS protocol, to receive streaming media from the internet.
?L2TP: This allows multiple machines on the LAN to connect to their corporate network using the L2TP protocol.
?Windows Messenger: This configuration allows all of the Windows Messenger functions to work properly through the router.
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