Step 7: Customize your desktop and set your preferences.
You can quickly customize the desktop using System Preferences. Choose Apple () > System Preferences from the menu bar, or click the System Preferences icon in the Dock. For more information, open Help Center and search for “System Preferences” or for the specific preference you want to change.
Important: You can set an option in Users & Groups preferences to help you reset your login password if you forget it. You should set your password preferences soon after setup.
Setting Up DVD or CD Sharing
For direct access to CDs and DVDs, you can attach an external optical drive to a USB port on your Mac mini.
You can also partner your Mac mini with another Mac or Windows computer that has an optical disc drive and is on the same wired or wireless network.
The computer with the optical drive can be a Mac with Mac OS X v10.4.10 or later, or a Windows 7, Windows XP, or Windows Vista computer. If the Mac has Mac OS X v10.5.3 or later, DVD or CD Sharing is already installed. You can partner with more than one other computer, but you can use only one partner computer at a time.