Imaging Demo
The Imaging Demo demonstrates the imaging functionality of the
To Capture Images
1.Tap Start > Demos > Imaging Demo. The Imaging Demo opens.
The screen is blank until you press the SCAN key.
2.Press the SCAN key to activate the image engine. A preview of the image appears on the screen.
The previewed image has a degraded appearance. This is normal. The previewed image is not the same as the captured image; the captured image will not have the same degradation.
3.Release the button or trigger. The captured image appears on the screen.
To Save Images
You can save images two ways: Save and Save As. Save saves one image with a default name. Save As allows you to determine the image parameters.
Tap File > Save. The image remains on the screen and is saved as a grayscale .jpg with the name “imagedemo.jpg” in the My Device folder (\IPSM).
Note: If you take another image and tap File > Save. The new image will save over the existing imagedemo.jpg file.
Save As
Dolphin® Demos User’s Guide | Rev A | 2 - 1 |
| 8/6/08 |