Selecting Pitch
There are three pitches available for typing the CODE + 4 (PITCH) key is used to
change the typing pitch. When the typewriter is turned on. PICA mode is selected. The selection sequence is the following:
| ▲ | ELITE |
| ▲ | MICRO |
| ▲ | PICA |
The chosen pitch will be displayed.
PICA (10) : 10 characters per inch
ELITE (12) : 12 characters per inch
MICRO (15) : 15 characters per inch
Selecting Line Spacing
There are three line spacing settings availble - 1, 1 1/2, 2.
The CODE + (LINE SPACE) key is used to select line spacing. The default mode is single (1) when the typewriter is turned on. The selection sequence is the following:
1 |
| ▲ | 1 1/2 |
| ▲ | 2 |
| ▲ | 1 |
The chosen line spacing will be displayed.
Setting Impression
You can choose one of three hammer impression levels - Light, Medium and Heavy. The CODE + 2 (IMP) key is used to set the impression level.
The Light level is selected initially.
The selection sequence is the following:
Light |
| ▲ Medium |
| ▲ Heavy |
| ▲ Light |
The chosen impression level will be displayed.
Setting Margins
You may freely adjust the margins. The minimum distance between the left and right margins is one inch.
• Left Margin
Move the carrier to the desired left margin position and press the
• Right Margin
Move the carrier to the desired right margin position and press the key.