Wireless-G Game Adapter
•WPA Personal offers two encryption methods, TKIP and AES, with dynamic encryption keys. Select TKIP or AES for encryption. Then enter a Passphrase that is
Encryption - Select the type of algorithm you want to use, TKIP or AES, from the Encryption
Passphrase - Enter a Passphrase, also called a
•If you don’t want to use encryption, select Disabled.
4.Click the Next button to continue or the Back button to return to the previous screen.The Network Settings screen will appear. Enter an IP Address, IP Mask (also known as Subnet Mask), and Gateway appropriate for your network setup. You must specify the IP Address on this screen. If you are unsure about the IP Mask and Gateway, do not change these fields. Click the Next button
IP Address - This IP Address must be unique to your network.
IP Mask - The Game Adapter’s IP Mask must be the same as your wired network’s IP or Subnet Mask. Gateway - Enter the IP address of your network’s Gateway here.
Chapter 5: Setting up the
Figure 5-21: Setup Wizard’s
Security Settings Screen (WPA Personal)
Figure 5-22: Setup Wizard’s Network Settings Screen
ip address: the address used to identify a computer or device on a network
subnet mask: an address code that determines the size of the network.
gateway: a device that interconnects networks with
different, incompatible communications protocols.
Setup Wizard Configuration for Internet Play