Instant BroadbandTM Series
Which modems are compatible with the router? The router is compatible with virtually any cable or DSL modem that supports Ethernet.
What are the advanced features of the router? The router's advanced features include Filters, Forwarding, Dynamic Routing, Static Routing, and DMZ host.
Does Linksys provide syslog support? No, Linksys does not currently provide syslog support.
How can I check whether I have static DHCP IP Addresses? Consult your ISP to
confirm the information.
How do I get mIRC to work with the Router? Set port forwarding to 113 for the computer on which you are using mIRC. If you are experiencing difficulty after setting the port forwarding, try changing the Direct
Why do I get interference on the line? Check to see if you have connected the standard telephone cable from the back of the Router to the wall plate. (See figure below.) The
If your questions are not addressed here, refer to the contact information on the last page of this manual.
EtherFast® Cable/DSL & Voice Router powered by Net2Phone
Net2Phone Frequently Asked Questions
Can I
must set up and configure your Router on your network first.
Do these phone calls work behind NAT (Network Address Translation)? Yes
Why do my calls cost more when I use my calling card versus making calls with my Linksys Cable/DSL & Voice Router powered by Net2Phone? Because the calling card calls actually do cost more because they are originating from a regular POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line. Your calls that are made from the Router cost less because they are originating over the Internet.
I already have a Net2Phone account number, can I use it in place the account number printed on my calling card, which was packaged with my Router?
No. The Net2Phone account number that you are already using is for a different type of service and your Router will not work with that account number. You must use the account number that is pre printed on the back of your calling card.
Why would I want to use the Linksys Cable/DSL & Voice Router powered by Net2Phone to make calls instead of using regular Net2Phone service? Because this service lets you make calls over the Internet with the ease of just picking up your phone. Also, these calls do not rely on using your com- puter. In fact, if you used a cordless phone with device, you could make Internet calls from any room in your house!
Can I use the Linksys Cable/DSL & Voice Router powered by Net2Phone to replace my primary phone line? No. Any Net2Phone services provided through this Equipment are not intended to replace or be a substitute for primary line voice services or Plain Old Telephone Service ("POTS") and are not meant to provide guaranteed Automatic Number Identification or Automatic Location Information capabilities associated with 911 or E911 services or to permit access to 411 directory assistance services. Net2Phone will not be liable for any damages, expenses, liabilities, risks, or harms arising out of or related to the Net2Phone services provided through this Equipment.
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