Actiontec MegaPlug
15.After your computer restarts, Windows prompts for a user name and pass- word. Enter a user name and password, then write them on a sheet of paper, as they will be needed to access the network in the future.
16.Find a file or hard drive to share,
17.In the Properties window, select Sharing. The “Sharing” tab appears.
18.Click in the circle next to “Shared As” to share the file or hard drive.
19.Select an Access Type:
Read Only - Allows other users on the network to view and read the file or hard drive selected. They will not be able to modify it in any way. You can further restrict their privileges by entering a password in the appropriate text box.
Full - Allows other users on the network to read, modify, move, and delete any information in the shared file or hard drive. You can further restrict their privileges by entering a user name and password.