Chapter 4 Configuring Advanced Settings
802.11b/g Mode
Access to the Gateway’s network can be restricted to wireless clients using either the 802.11b or 802.11g wireless adapters. Click on the down arrow next to the text box and select the desired option. Actiontec recommends using the “Mixed” mode (the default option), which enables both 802.11b and 802.11g wireless clients to join the network.
After changing settings, click Next or Back to continue, or Save and Restart to make all changes permanent.
DHCP Server
Selecting DHCP Server in the “Advanced Settings” screen generates the “DHCP Server” screen. The Gateway has a
The factory default setting is On. To disable the DHCP Server, select Off.
Actiontec strongly recommends leaving the DHCP Server option On. If the DHCP Server option is Off, ensure the IP addresses of the networked computers are on the same subnet as the IP address of the Gateway. For more information, see “DHCP Server Configuration.”