Actiontec DSL Gateway User Manual
Website Blocking
Selecting Website Blocking in the “Advanced Settings” screen generates the “Website Blocking” screen. This feature enables the Gateway to block Web sites to all computers on the network. To block a Web site, enter the address of the Web site in the “Website” text box and click Add. The blocked Web site address will be displayed in the “Blocked Website List” text box, and will not be available to com- puters on the network. To remove a blocked Web site, click on it in the “Blocked Website List,” then click Remove.
Remote Management/Telnet
Selecting Remote Management in the “Advanced Settings” screen generates the “Remote Management/Telnet” screen. Remote Management allows access to the Gateway through the Internet via another computer. Actiontec recommends leaving the Remote Management and Remote Telnet Off (the factory default setting).
To access the Gateway from the Internet, activate Remote Management by selecting On next to “Remote Management” and writing down the WAN IP address of the Gateway (see “WAN IP Address”). On a computer outside of the network, open a Web browser and enter the Gateway’s WAN IP address in the address text box. The Gateway’s Main Menu (or a password prompt, if a password has been set) appears in the browser window.