Flight informa- | [Airline] [flight number] | American airlines flight |
tion |
| 390 |
Translation | Translate to [language] | Translate to Spanish, |
| [phrase] | Where is the Palace |
| Hotel?’ |
Calculator | [A math phrase] | 75 divided by 6 |
Food | [Type of food] | Mexican food |
| [Type of food] in [location] | Mexican food in Urbana, |
| Illinois |
Use Voice Actions
You can use Voice Actions with Google Search to get directions, send messages, and perform a number of other common tasks.
You initiate a Voice Action the same way you initiate a voice search, by touching a Microphone icon in a search box or the Chrome omnibox, or by saying “Google” when the Google Now screen is open. For details, see “Search & Voice Actions basics” on page 34.
Next, speak the Voice Action you want to use. Here are some typi- cal examples:
•“Set alarm for 8:30 a.m.”
•“Send email to Marcus Foster. Subject: Coming tonight? Mes-
sage: Hope to see you later.”
•“Navigate to Mike’s bikes in Palo Alto.”
Nexus 7 Guidebook | Make Search personal | 37 |