Action commands. For details, see “Use Voice Actions” on page
Say | Followed by | Examples |
Words you want to |
| “bike shoes” |
search for |
“Map of” | Address, name, busi- | “Map of Golden Gate |
| ness name, type of | Park, San Francisco.” |
| business, or other |
| location |
“Directions to” or | Address, name, busi- | “Directions to 1299 |
“Navigate to” | ness name, type of | Colusa Avenue, Berke- |
| business, or other | ley, California” |
| destination | or |
| |
| “Navigate to Union |
| Square, San Fran- |
| cisco.” |
Contact name |
| “Mike LeBeau” (opens |
| Mike’s contact card) |
“Go to” | Search string or URL | “Go to Google.com” |
“Send SMS” or “Send | “To” & contact names, |
Text” | “Message” & message |
| text (speak punctua- |
| tion) |
“Send text to Hugh Briss, message, I can’t wait to show you my new shoes, period”
Nexus 7 Guidebook | Make Search personal | 39 |