Using the Software
•Ethernet Mode
The Ethernet Mode field configures the Ethernet mode of the Portal. The options are:
10 Mbps
100 Mbps
Connection Management
The Connection Management tab allows enabling or disabling connection management, and to spec- ify the IP address of the connection manager. In a managed connection, an external Connection Managerment Server communicates with and can remotely control and configure the device. Addi- tionally, the connection manager can locate an appropriate peer for the device to connect to, and initiate the connection. Connection management can greatly simplify the administration effort for a large, complex system.
•Enable Connection Management
If the Enable Connection Management option is enabled, the device can be configured and con- trolled by an external connection manager.
•Identify Connection Manager By
The Identify Connection Manager By selector allows the administrator to choose whether the connection manager is identified by IP address, or by Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). If connection management is disabled, this field is not required and is not editable.
•Enable Event Log Notification
The Enable Event Log Notification field enables event notification from the
•Enable Diagnostic Log
The Enable Diagnostic Log field allows enabling diagnostic event log messages to log normal Connection Management Interface (CMI) server and client operation.