Samsung 164BX Installing Windows NT, Windows NT Setup, If you want to accept, press Enter

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Installing Windows NT

1.Insert the Windows NT4.0 install Floppy for the AlphaPC 164UX diskette into drive A:

2.From the main ARCSBIOS screen select Enter Setup. Run a Program from the setup menu and press Enter. 4.Type in: A:\miniport.exe and press Enter.

5.Maintain Flash Device will start.In the Menu shown select Add SCSI Miniport to Flash and press Enter

6.Remove the Windows NT4.0 install Floppy for the AlphaPC 164UX diskette from drive A:

7.Insert the disk labeled manufacturer supplied hardware support disk into drive A: 8.Type SCSI Driver File Name for SCSI card.

ex)Type A:\xxxx.sys and press Enter

9.The next screen displayed will say what woule you like to call the Flash file?--> press ENTER to accept : [xxxx.sys]

If you want to accept, press Enter

Please enter a description of the FLASH file-->

Type description and press Enter ex) Adaptec

10.In Maintain Flash Device Menu select save changes to Flash and Exit and Enter

11.If upgrade Firmware completed,press Enter 12.Restart your computer

13.From the main ARCSBIOS sereen select Enter Setup

14.In Advanced setup->Set NVRAM options->SCSI miniport order press Enter 15.In SCSI Miniport Detection Order Menu select Adaptec(description) 16.Change Disable to 0 with <-- key and --> key. ESC Twice

18.In Save Configuration Menu displayed will say Save changes to Non-Volatile RAM(Y/N)

19.Press Y and Enter.

20.if you restart your computer,your SCSI Device will be detected.

21.If you want to delete SCSI Device file,In Maintain Flash device Menu select

Delete SCSI Miniport from Flash

7.4.3 Windows NT Setup

Windows NT setup, located on the Microsoft Windows NT CD, installs the Windows NT operating system. Windows NT setup provides a brief description of the avail- able key functions at the bottom of the screen.

7–8Configuring for Windows NT

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Contents AlphaPC 164UX/BX Motherboard Windows NT User’s Manual AlphaPC 164UX/BX Motherboard Windows NT User’s Manual Contents Configuring for Windows NT Memory and Microprocessor ConfigurationInterrupts and ISA Bus Addresses Battery Recycle/Disposal Information Supporting Products TroubleshootingSupport,Products and Documentation Figures Tables Difference between AlphaPC 164UX and 164BX About This ManualManual Conventions and Terminology This term Refers to Manual Conventions and TerminologyAlphaPC 164UX Features Features of the AlphaPC164UX MotherboardAlphaPC 164UX Jumper/Connector Location AlphaPC 164UX Jumper/Connector List Power Requirements Power RequirementsPower Supply DC Current Requirements Environmental RequirementsPhysical Parameters Physical ParametersBoard Measurements and Hole Locations 3shows the Board Vertical Clearance for the AlphaPC 164UX Board measurement and Hole Position DiagramBoard Vertical Clearance Diagram Physical Parameters ATX Cutout Information ATX Back Panel DimensionAlphaPC 164UX Jumper Configuration CPU Speed Selection Option 1,2,3, &4 AlphaPC 164UX Configuration JumpersBcache Size Jumpers Option 14,15 Boot Option Jumper OptionPCI Bus Connector Pinouts AlphaPC 164UX Connector Pinouts1shows the PCI bus connector pinouts PCI Bus Connector PinoutsREQ# PCI Bus Connector PinoutsISA Expansion Bus Connector Pinouts ISA Expansion Bus Connector Pinouts2shows the ISA expansion bus connector pinouts ISA Expansion Bus Connector Pinouts J10Sdram Dimm Connector Pinouts Sdram Dimm Connector Pinouts3shows the Sdram Dimm connector pinouts Sdram Dimm Connector Pinouts U3 through U8Eide Drive Bus Connector Pinouts Eide Drive Bus Connector Pinouts4shows the Eide drive bus connector pinouts Eide Drive Bus Connector Pinouts J24Parallel Bus Connector Pinouts Diskette Drive Bus Connector PinoutsDiskette Drive Bus Connector Pinouts 5shows the diskette floppy drive bus connector pinoutsKeyboard/Mouse Connector Pinouts COM1/COM2 Serial Line Connector PinoutsCOM1/COM2 Serial Line Connector Pinouts 7shows the COM1/COM2 serial line connector pinoutsNarrow Scsi Bus Connector UX only Input Power Connector PinoutsInput Power Connector Pinouts 9shows the input power connector pinouts12 10/100 Mbit Ethernet Connector Pinouts UX only Fast and Wide Scsi Bus Connector UX onlyFast and Wide Scsi Bus Connector UX only 11shows the Fast and Wide Scsi bus connector pinoutsMicroprocessor Fan Power Connector Pinouts Speaker Connector PinoutsPin Power LED Connector Pinouts Speaker Connector PinoutsReset Switch Connector Pinouts IDE Drive LED Connector PinoutsSoft Power Switch Connector Pinouts Scsi LED Connector PinoutsConfiguring Sdram Memory Memory and Microprocessor ConfigurationAlphaPC 164UX Sdram Memory Configurations Configuring Sdram Memory Upgrading Sdram Memory Upgrading Sdram MemoryPreparatory Information Increasing Microprocessor SpeedRequired Tools Removing the 21164 Microprocessor Installing the 21164 MicroprocessorShows the Fan/Heat-Sink Assembly on AlphaPC 164UX Increasing Microprocessor Speed Interrupts Interrupts and ISA Bus Addresses1lists each Alpha 164UX ISA interrupt and its source ISA InterruptsISA I/O Address Map ISA I/O Address MapFlash ROM Address Map Lists the Alpha 164UX ISA I/O space address mappingISA I/O Address Map Navigating the Arcsbios Configuring for Windows NTExploring the Arcsbios Navigation KeysArcsbios Arcsbios Setup Arcsbios SetupRun a Program Environment VariablesResources Advanced SetupSystem Time and Date System ConfigurationInstalling Windows NT Upgrading the Arcsbios FirmwareUpgrading the Arcsbios Firmware Print Configuration Add-in Board UtilitiesType in CD\alpha\arcinst.exe Installing Windows NT Before Installing Windows NTWindows NT Setup Installing Windows NTIf you want to accept, press Enter Installing Windows NT 10Configuring for Windows NT Enter Network and select wired to a network. Click the Next Button Installing Windows NT 14Configuring for Windows NT Troubleshooting steps No Video TroubleshootingTroubleshooting steps Keyboard error on boot up Hardware StartupPost Codes Beep CodesReplace the keyboard Beep CodesPost Codes Safe ArcsbiosStarting the Safe Arcsbios Battery Recycle/Disposal Information Battery Recycle/Disposal InformationMemory Supporting ProductsVisionTek Lakeside Dr Gurnee,IL Phone Fax Table A-1 Samsung Dimm Part Number ListViking Components Columbia Laguna Hills,Ca Phone Fax MemoryTable A-2 VisionTek Dimm Part Number List Table A-3 Viking Components Dimm Part Number ListThermal Products Power SupplyThermal Products Table A-5 Dense-Pac Microsystems Dimm Part Number ListEnclosure EnclosureSupport,Products and Documentation Samsung Alpha Products Samsung Alpha Documentation Following table lists some of the available documentation4Support,Products and Documentation