HYUNDAI MicroElectronics | GMS90X5XC Series |
2)Capacitive loading on ports 0 and 2 may cause the VOH on ALE and PSEN to momentarily fall below the 0.9VCC specifica- tion when the address lines are stabilizing.
3)ICC Max at other frequencies is given by:
active mode: ICC = 1.27 × fOSC + 5.73
idle mode: ICC = 0.28 × fOSC + 1.45 (except OTP devices)
where fOSC is the oscillator frequency in MHz. ICC values are given in mA and measured at VCC = 5V.
4)ICC (active mode) is measured with:
XTAL1 driven with tCLCH, tCHCL = 5ns, VIL = VSS + 0.5V, VIH = VCC - 0.5V; XTAL2 = N.C.;
EA = Port0 = RESET = VCC; all other pins are disconnected. ICC would be slightly higher if a crystal oscillator is used (appr. 1mA).
5)ICC (Idle mode) is measured with all output pins disconnected and with all peripherals disabled; XTAL1 driven with tCLCH, tCHCL = 5ns, VIL = VSS + 0.5V, VIH = VCC - 0.5V; XTAL2 = N.C.; RESET = EA = VSS; Port0 = VCC; all other pins are disconnected;
6)IPD (Power Down Mode) is measured under following conditions:
EA = Port0 = VCC; RESET = VSS; XTAL2 = N.C.; XTAL1 = VSS; all other pins are disconnected.
26 | Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 |