JVC LT-23D50BK, LT-17D50BK manual PC Input Typical Display Modes Model 17D50BK

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PC Input Typical Display Modes (Model: 17D50BK)

The display has a maximum resolution of 1280 x 768, vertical sync. frequency range of 50-75 Hz and a horizontal sync. frequency range of 30-69 KHz.

The following table￿￿￿￿￿is ￿an ￿illustration￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿of some￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿of the typical￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿video￿￿display￿￿￿￿￿￿￿modes￿￿.

The native resolution of the TFT-LCD Panel is 1280 x 768. Therefore using Mode 15 is ad- vised to get the best PC input display quality.

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Contents LT-17D50BK LT-23D50BK Contents Some DOs and DON’Ts for you For your safetyDO… Do NOT…Page BLUE-NEUTRAL BROWN-LIVE Important InstructionDistance Recommendation Where to installCare and disposal Important Information Please take noteControl Panel Buttons Using the stand VIDEO, PC, Digital Remote Control ButtonsFeatures Getting Started Follow to 7 to set up your TVConnecting an aerial VCR and mains Using the cable holder Switching the TV ON/OFF Link Basic Operations When recording Digital terrestrial broadcast- ing DVB-TInformation Banner Over AIR DownloadElectronic Programme Guide EPG Using the Electronic Programme GuideDTV Menus Displaying the SubtitlesChoose Digital and press the OK but- ton DTV menu appears Timers DTV Timer Recording When recording on a T-V Link compatible VCR Cancelling the timer setting ConfigurationPin code is changed appears Edit PR ListPage Installation Display the DTV Menu and using the orStallation Common Interface First Time InstallationSetting The TV Menu SystemPicture Menu Setting Bright-2Only for 17D50BK Sound Menu Install Menu Feature MenuPage Autostore Program MenuSound Indicator Other FeaturesMute Indicator Hyper SoundVolume Bar No-Signal Detection TV modeEXT Modes Zoom ModesMain Menu in PC mode PC ModePC Picture Position Menu Zoom SubtitlePIP Picture PC Picture MenuDetection PC mode No-Signal and Out Of RangeSound in PC mode To operate TeletextTo Stop Automatic Page Change To select a page of TeletextSearching for a teletext While watching TVRGB mode Via the EuroconnectorEXT-2 S Mode Peripheral Equipment ConnectionsVia the ANT aerial socket Connecting HeadphonesDecoder TV and Video Recoder VCRTo connect to S-Video input Connecting the PCPeripheral Equipment Connections Headphone Audio Video For Satellite Receiver Decoder PC Input Typical Display Modes Model 17D50BK PC Input Typical Display Modes Model 23D50BK Tips ItemModel SpecificationsLT-23D50BK Corrections