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(Eng) | you feel might | be inappropriate in its content. |
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PG _1
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Canadian Ratings English Chart
Programming intended for children under age 8 - Viobnce GuideIines; Careful attention is paid to themes, which could threaten children's sense of security and well-
Cbeing. There will be no realistic scenes of violence. Depictions of aggressive
unrealistic in nature. Other Content Guidelines: There will be no offensive language, nudity or sexuaI content.
Programming generally considered acceptable for children 8 years and over to watch on their own - Violence Guidelines: Violence will not be portrayed as the pre-
C8+ ferred, acceptable, or only way to resolve conflict; or encourage children to imitate dan- gerous acts which they may see on television. Any realistic depictions of violence will
be infrequent, discreet, of low intensity and will show the consequences of the acts. Other Content Guidelines: There will be no profanity, nudity or sexual content.
General Audience - Violence Guidelines: Will contain very little violence, either physi- cal or verbal or emotional. Will be sensitive to themes which could frighten a younger
Gchild, will not depict realistic scenes of violence which minimize or gloss over the effects of violent acts. Other Content Guidelines: There may be some inoffensive
slang, no profanity and no nudity.
Parental Guidance - Programming intended for a general audience but which may not be suitable for younger children. Parents may consider some content inappropdate for unsupervised viewing by children ages
Programming contains themes or content which may not be suitable for viewers
iiiiiiii ;! ;ii:!underi !i!ii!i!i!the age of !i14 - Parents are strongly cautioned to exercise discretion in permit- ting viewing by
iiiiiiiiii_i!i!!i!iW14+ scenes of violence. Could deal with mature themes and societal issues in a realistic fashion. Other Content Guidelines: May contain scenes of nudity and/or sexuaI activity. There could be frequent use of profanity.
Adult - Violence Guidelines: May contain violence integral to the development of the
18+ plot, character or theme, intended for adult audiences. Other Content Guidelines: May iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:contain graphic language and! expliciti portrayals of nudity and/or sex.