Chapter 4: Programming Set Up
Character Sets
There are three character sets pre‐installed.
•Code 858 (International) (VFD and LCD)
•Katakana (VFD only)
•Code 866 (Cyrillic) (VFD only)
The VFD supports 16 additional character sets of 256 characters each. These additional character sets are inside a PROM that plugs into a socket on the PCB. All of the characters sets are stored in non‐volatile memory.
Code Page 850 (International)
000 | 001 |
| 002 |
| 003 |
| 004 |
| 005 |
| 006 |
....... | ....... | ....... | ....... | ....... | ..●●● | .. | ...●... | ||||
....... | .●●●●●. | .●●●●●. | ....... | ....... | ..●●● | .. | ..●●●.. | ||||
....... | ● | ● | ●●●●●●● | .●●.●●. | ...●... | ..●●● | .. | .●●●●●. | |||
....... | ●.●.●.● | ●●.●.●● | ●●●●●●● | ..●●● | .. | ●●.●.●● | ●●●●●●● | ||||
....... | ● | ● | ●●●●●●● | ●●●●●●● | .●●●●●. | ●●●●●●● | ●●●●●●● | ||||
....... | ●.●●●.● | ●●... | ●● | .●●●●●. | ..●●● | .. | ●●.●.●● | .●●●●●. | |||
....... | ●..●.. | ● | ●●●.●●● | ..●●● | .. | ...●... | ...●... | ...●... | |||
....... | .●●●●●. | .●●●●●. | ...●... | ....... | ...●... | .●●●●●. | |||||
....... | ....... | ....... | ....... | ....... | ....... | ....... | |||||
007 | 008 |
| 009 |
| 010 |
| 011 |
| 012 |
| 013 |
....... | ●●●●●●● | ....... | ●●●●●●● | .........●●● | ....... | ....... | |||||
....... | ●●●●●●● | .........●●● | ●●●●●●● | .●●●●●. | ...●●.. | ||||||
..........●... | ●●●●●●● | ●●... | ●● | ...●.●. | ● | ● | ...●●●. | ||||
●●●.●●● | .●... | ●.●●●.● | .● | ● | ● | ...●..● | |||||
.●●●●●. | ● | ● | .●... | ●. | ●.●●●.● | .●●●●.. | ●. | .●●●●●. | ...●... | ||
...●... | ●●●.●●● | .●... | ●. | ●.●●●.● | ●.... | ...●... | ...●... | ||||
....... | ●●●●●●● | ..●●● | .. | ●●... | ●● | ●.... | ●. | ●●●●●●● | ●●●●... | ||
....... | ●●●●●●● | ....... | ●●●●●●● | .●●●● | .. | ...●... | ●●●.... | ||||
....... | ●●●●●●● | ....... | ●●●●●●● | ....... | ....... | ....... |