Chapter 1: Introduction
The NCR 5972 Customer Display is designed to be an optional display device for the NCR retail terminals. It can also serve as a display for any industry‐standard PC. It is a Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD).
•5972‐1000 2x20 VFD (Light Gray)
•5972‐1100 2X20 VFD (Dark Gray, Low Post Mount)
•5972‐1200 2x20 VFD (Light Gray, Euro Symbol)
•5972‐1300 2x20 VFD (Dark Gray, Low Post Mount)
•5972‐1400 2x20 VFD (Charcoal Gray, Low Post Mount)
•5972‐2400 2x20 LCD (Light Gray, 1m Cable)
•5972‐2500 2x20 LCD (Light Gray, 4m Cable)
VFD Models
•Parallel I/F or EIA‐232 I/F support
•The components for both interfaces are populated on one printed circuit board. Both interfaces are active, though only one interface can be physically connected at a time. The display communicates via the interface connected to it.
•Socket for 32K of PROM for additional character sets