Assembly Instructions
Truss-Style Cinefold Portable Projection Screen by Draper
➀Read instructions through completely before proceeding; retain for future reference.
➁Handle viewing surface with care; do not allow it to come in contact with sharp or dirty objects.
➂Use Handy Cranks provided; failure to do so may lead to screen dam- age.
➃Make sure screen is level.
➄Do not write on viewing surface.
Truss Assembly
➀Remove pouch containing viewing surface from case and set aside.
Remove all aluminum assemblies.
➁Unfold all folded aluminum assemblies completely, noting labels and
sections in appropriate positions with snaps facing up. Top and Bottom sections should be set with snaps facing down.
➂To increase frame rigidity, hinges on top and bottom frame sections have rivnuts marked with red and green. Insert a Handy Crank through the threadless rivnut (red) and tighten into the threaded rivnut (green).
➃Apply small sections marked “Stiffener Bars” to back of Bottom frame section, using eight Handy Cranks each. Failure to use all Handy Cranks
may result in damage to screen frame. Turn Bottom frame section over so snaps face up.
➄If your screen frame is less than 25' wide, repeat step 4 for Top frame sec- tion. Frames 25' wide and over are equipped with a special
Caution: Make sure all hinges and joints are locked before raising screen to standing position.
short Handy Cranks. Turn Top frame so snaps face up.
➅Join Top and Bottom to Stage Right and Stage Left, using two Handy
Cranks on each of the four corners. Match numbers on white labels, and keep in mind that no Handy Crank should protrude outside screen frame.
➆Remove surface from pouch. With the row of male snaps at bottom, posi-
tion screen surface over frame. Snap each of the four corners, then snap across bottom, up sides, and across top.
➇Attach feet to inner side of legs with Handy Cranks, matching
markings. Attach legs to Stage Right and Stage Left with Handy Cranks, matching colored tapes.
➈Raise screen to a vertical position. Add
Handy Crank
Caution: Make sure screen is placed on level surface.
| Frame & Legs |
Assemble with | |
Handy Cranks | |
Stabilizers |
Copyright © 2008 Draper Inc. | Form Cinefold_Inst08 Printed in U.S.A. |
Caution: Beware of pinch points.
| Valance Bar |
Drapery | Drapery |
Bar | Bar |
Adjustable Skirt Bar
Dress-Up Kit Assembly
PLEASE NOTE: All components are labeled and color coded to facilitate assembly.
A.Valance Bar attaches to frame with simple
B.Draper Bars mount to Valance Bar,
C.Optional adjustable Skirt Bar is secured to frame at desired level with