This section must be read carefully and followed by the user prior to the operation of the product.
The manual states important instructions for the user’s own safety,and the proper operation of the product.
Ignoringordisregardingthecontentsofthissectionandim- WARNING proper operation of the product may result in the person’s
death or serious injury.
In case of an accident,please unplug the unit from the outlet immediately.
Toreducetheriskofelectric shock,donotremovecover orback.Nouserserviceable parts inside.Refer to qual- ifiedservicepersonnelfor repair.
Topreventfireanddamages to the product,unplug the unitfromtheoutletduringa lightningstorm,orwhenitis leftunattendedandunused for a longperiodof time
Slotsandopeningsinthecase areprovidedforventilation toensurereliableoperation oftheproduct.Neverputin
Holdtheplugwhenunplug- gingtheunitfromtheoutlet. Theleadmaycausefireorelec- tric shock if damaged.
Donotputvolatilesubstanc- es such as benzene,naph-
Do not put any object that
acauseoffireorhazardous electricshock.
Donotputonorusetheprod- uctnearwaterandmoisture- suchasinabathroom,wash- bowl,etc.It may cause fire and electric shock hazards
Donotletchildrenhangonto orclimbontheproductsinceit maycauseseriousinjury.
Donotcausetheproductto leanorputitinanunstable positionbecauseifitfallsit maycauseseriousinjurytoa person,aswellasdamageto the product if it falls.
Do not spill water on to or drop the remote control since it may cause a mal- function.